It’s official.

Here in North Carolina, we’ve reached the season that makes you say, “Gosh, it’s so dark out. Is it really only six in the evening?” Before the days get too short, remember to check off heatingventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance from your autumn to-do list.

Fall is the ideal season to schedule a much-needed checkup. For starters, your heating equipment has been hibernating all summer. Once you switch off the air conditioner (AC), your heater needs to be primed so that your Fayetteville home stays warm and cozy this winter.

Additionally, these next few months will be eventful. Get ahead of the game so you can enjoy the holidays. With less on your plate, your time with family and friends will feel relaxed and unhurried.

Fall HVAC Maintenance

On average, heating and cooling make up half of  your annual energy expenses, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). However, with a small amount of effort, you can cut your costs significantly.

Maintenance increases your equipment’s efficiency. It also gives one of our AC Man Heating and Air specialists a chance to find and correct minor issues. Doing so protects you from unexpected repair costs in the future.

On top of that, practices like filter replacement and duct cleaning reduce airborne dust and allergens, boosting your indoor air quality (IAQ).

AC Man Heating and Air is ready to help our neighbors in Fayetteville get ready for the winter. Feel free to reach out to us if you have specific questions—we’re always happy to assist.

Winterize Your AC System

Your air conditioner is ready for some much-deserved time off. Here’s how you can prepare it for winter:

Is your condenser clean with plenty of space around it? Excellent. Here’s what your HVAC specialist will do to complete winterization:

Set up Your Heating System for Success

Whether you have a furnace, boiler, or heat pump, you want to stay warm this winter. As a homeowner, here’s what you can do to keep your heating system working:

Fully equipped with filters? Perfect. Next, give your HVAC expert a call. Here’s what they will do during a visit:

Call Us for Reliable HVAC Service Year-Round

Rain or shine, AC Man Heating and Air is just down the street in Fayetteville, North Carolina, when you need us. Call us at 910-901-3081 or request service online.

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